Billy & Randie spent the last 10 years building their home church. After pioneering a youth ministry, leading creative staff, and pastoring a campus in Los Angeles, they felt the call from God to leave the big city and come to Fredonia to start a life-giving church. They’re new parents to their first daughter Atlys, and have a heart to see people have a fresh encounter with Jesus. Here’s a two minute video on how our pastors came to plant Gospel Church

We don’t tell people what to do until we tell them what’s been done.


Why Fredonia?

Western New York is one of the oldest parts of the country with the first European settlers arriving in 1803. The second great awakenings of the 18th century spread throughout upstate New York and the story of Jesus became well known. The simplicity and realness of the gospel led people to genuine revival and communities were transformed. Charles Finney, who was a leader of the second great awakening in NY once said, “Great sermons lead the people to praise the preacher. Good preaching leads the people to praise the Savior”

Two hundred years later, the freshness of the gospel can be said to have become more tradition than experience. Jesus is an idea but not a friend,. Now known as the “burned over district” in revival history, Christianity has become traditional and shallow in the hearts of the next generation in this region. Studies are showing that less and less are attending churches. In other words, Churches haven’t thrived because of the stigma of religion. We believe the region knows God, but may have lost sight of who He is.

Scriptures like “the love of many will grow cold” come to mind. Or Jesus’ radical reminder from Matthew 7. That many will say, “Lord we did all this stuff for you” and Jesus says “I never knew you.” That breaks our heart. That a misinterpretation of Jesus might keep someone out of eternity. We believe the land needs renewal. Not a new story, but a reminder of the beauty, purity, power, and hope in the gospel. Not revival necessarily, for the land is no stranger to revival. But a renewed sense of Jesus.

Fredonia is getting younger year by year, and the state university in town has become a party college. Fredonia is also known as the most affordable college town in New York. There is a need for renewal and freshness in the older generation, and simplicity and authenticity in the younger. We believe Jesus is simple enough that kids can follow Him, but deep enough to transform our lives. Time and time again.

learn more about us in this video!

we were recently featured in a leadership magazine!


our home church

Randie spent 17 years at Destiny Church California, Billy spent 10 years after meeting Jesus there. Together, they pioneered a youth and young adult movement in the Palm Springs area, helped grow healthy systems and culture, and led a Destiny campus in Los Angeles.


Billy & Randie’s pastors blessing Gospel Church on Launch Sunday, 1.23.22