our mission

We help people encounter the Good News in a simple and fresh way.

our vision for Western New York

Fresh belief in the gospel

Genuine belonging to community

Passion to become apprentices to Jesus


our church values


We believe it’s all about Him. Our church is centered around the Good News of Jesus, and how through the Spirit we can become who God designed us to be.



We believe that following Jesus isn’t as hard as we make it. Our church aims to show anyone the simple gospel, and how keeping focus on the right things can transform your life.



We believe that all are invited into the family of God. Our church is built on authentic and organic community, where we can find value and worth through our connectedness.



We believe creativity is a response to the love of God. Our church champions art in the local church and believes in using whatever means necessary to communicate the gospel story.



We believe the presence of God can transform any life. We’re passionate about worship and seeing God move here and now. We’re praying people who seek to know and walk in the Holy Spirit’s power every single day.



We believe in loving those who are overlooked. Our church was birthed from a place of compassion and to tend to the suffering at hand.



We believe that we don’t know everything. Our church is a meeting place for all walks of life, and we believe that you can have a change of attitude without having a change of theology.

Our Beliefs

Gospel is a non-denominational church that believes in the authority of the Christian scriptures for our life. We hold to the essential orthodox Christian beliefs as best expressed in the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Lausanne Covenant.